Torre Ignasi
Ignasi Torre joined the Natural Sciences Museum of Granollers (MCNG) in the mid-90s of the last century, where he started studying small mammals’ communities in Catalonia and Andorra by means of either live trapping or the diet of predators (barn owls, genets). After a decade of studies, he presented the PhD on small mammals in 2004, after gathering a huge volume of data recorded during those years working as a collaborator in the MCNG. The experience gained in the small mammals’ field of investigation allowed to start -in 2008- what is considered as the landmark project of his career: the SEMICE project, a monitoring programme for the common small mammals in Spain. This project reached 15 years in 2022, and the long time-series analysed are starting to yield some relevant information about the effects of the environmental change (land-use and climate change) on common small mammals populations.
He is interested on the complex interactions of small mammals in the trophic networks, both as prey for several mesocarnivores and raptors, as well as predators of pest insects and seeds. His background working for long time with small mammals allowed reaching the editorial board of four scientific journals (PLoS One, Diversity, Galemys, Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica), in which he plays a role as academic editor to keep quality of published research. He also collaborated as external reviewer of 50 scientific journals, reviewing more than a hundred papers.