
Stefanescu Constantí

Scientific coordinator of BiBio and the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (CBMS) - cstefanescu@mcng.cat

He is researcher and coordinator of the 'BiBio Research Group' of the Natural Sciences Museum of Granollers and associate researcher of CREAF (ORCID: 0000-0001-8952-7869; SCOPUS: 7003371790 ).Started his research career in oceanography, as a PhD student at the ICM-CSIC. Since 1994 he has been the scientific coordinator of the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme or CBMS (www.catalanbms.org), a butterfly monitoring programme based on citizen science, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Diputació de Barcelona. His research activity focuses on the analysis of the CBMS database to delve into various aspects of butterfly ecology.

Has published more than 100 articles in international journals, among others in Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature communications and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. He is co-author of the monograph on butterflies of the Fauna Ibérica series, published by the CSIC, and of the field guide of Catalan butterflies, published by Lynx. He has made important contributions on the impact of climate change and landscape changes on butterfly communities and their conservation.

He also investigates the impact of parasitism on the population dynamics of butterflies and is author of the first review of the subject in the book Ecology of butterflies in Europe. He leads the research on the migration of the painted lady butterfly, with numerous relevant contributions in this field. It also works on mutualistic networks of pollinators and flowering plants. In 2018 he received the Marsh Lepidoptera Award for his contribution to the conservation and research of lepidoptera in Europe. In 2020 he was part of the team that drafted, for the European Commission, a proposal for the monitoring of pollinators in Europe (EUPOMS).
