
Ubach Andreu

Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (CBMS) technician - aubach@mcng.cat

Andreu Ubach completed his PhD in the University of Barcelona (2023) for the Biodiversity program. In 2015 started his implication in different projects linked to butterfly ecology studies with the UB and in 2016 and 2017 he worked as a technician in a study by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. In 2017 joined the coordination team of the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (www.catalanbms.org) of the MCNG. In the CBMS network he works in different areas such as the coordination of the data analysis part of the database collected by volunteers. He has developed his doctoral thesis based on the study of indicators of the natural environment through butterflies for their role as bioindicators, both for climate agents such as temperature changes and the effect of drought; or landscaping such as the closure and fragmentation of habitats. As a technician in the analysis of butterfly data in Catalonia, he participates in the Observatori de la Natura and the European BMS network. Another aspect of his thesis and part of his line of work are the effects of pastures and grazing as an impact on biodiversity based on studies of butterfly communities, especially in the mountains. In addition he does other works at the CBMS network such as providing training courses on the knowledge of diurnal butterflies and supports the network's volunteers.

In another line of study, he works with the study, monitoring and conservation of threatened species at Catalan level, with different works on the distribution and status of different species and the scientific advice of a project on butterfly micro-reserves. On the other hand, he also collaborates in the projects on the study of the painted lady migrations that are carried out at the Museum and other specific collaborations.
