
Coronado Gomis Alba

Support technician of the Bat Monitoring Program - acoronado@mcng.cat

Alba Coronado Gomis is currently working as a support technician for the citizen science Bat Monitoring Program at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Granollers. She is involved in various bat conservation and ecology projects focused on monitoring populations and their use of habitat. These data are intended to show long-term global changes, such as fragmentation and habitat loss, due to the potential bioindicator role of chiropters.

She finished her bachelor’s degree in Biology at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia in 2015. For Bachelor's Thesis, she started working in telemetry projects and monitoring the populations of bats in Catalonia with the Museum of Natural Sciences of Granollers. The project was focus on finding roosts from an endangered species of bat by telemetry. She continued to collaborate with the Museum for her Master’s Thesis of the Biodiversity Master, at the University of Barcelona (2019), to study the distribution of two species of bat in Catalonia.

As a support technique for the platform Bat Monitoring Program, she has carried out outreach campaigns, gained experience in monitoring the biodiversity of bat species using acoustics and trapping techniques. She is also currently carrying out projects related to chiropters and wind turbines in Catalonia.
